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January 7, 2025
The Quilted Snowman Quilt Along from Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber

 Are you ready to join us for wintry fun from now through November featuring The Quilted Snowman by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet? We’re excited to kick off this quilt along and dive into the wintery wonderland of the Home Town Holiday Collection by Lori Holt for Riley Blake Designs. See all the details below!

Fabric Requirements

This oh-snow-cute design is perfect for the confident beginner or intermediate quilter. Consisting of traditional units such as flying geese, half square triangles, and more along with a few novelty blocks, this quilt will look wonderful hanging on a wall ...

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December 26, 2024
Vintage Christmas Quilt Along from Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber

It’s time to revisit the magic of Christmas together during the Vintage Christmas Quilt Along and now’s the perfect time to start sewing blocks for the first month! We’re starting with the 6″ Away in a Manger Block and the 6″ Candy Swirl Block. So, pull out your copy of Lori Holt’s Vintage Christmas Book and sew the Vintage Christmas Sampler in her new holiday fabric collection, Home Town Holiday with us. Keep reading for all the details on this festive, year-long quilt along!

Fabric Requirements

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December 31, 2020
Let's just do it! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm fired up! I'm on a roll, and there's nothing that can stop me!!

I can't even keep up with posting the pictures, but I'll try. 

Studio U looks amazing! But you have to wait until tomorrow for the pictures. While I was upstairs, I unearthed a couple more trouble spots, and so I dealt with those as well. Studio B is looking pretty good, as well. There's not much left. I know I keep saying that, but this time it's real. 

Oh, there's loads more to do, but at least, hopefully ...

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October 13, 2020
Missed by a mile (or two) from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Oh my goodness - do you want a good laugh?? 

I was so proud of myself for driving all the way to get a picture of that barn block. I sent them off to Sue at Thimbles and Things. Well, I got an e-mail last night to say that I had the right block, but the WRONG BARN!!!  That's hilarious!!! But it wasn't entirely my fault!

Sue did give us the address where the block they chose was on - Old Fort Road. I knew the name of the block, so I searched on the map by the block name ...

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October 4, 2020
A humbling experience from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


It was a challenging day yesterday! I had three Zoom sessions and the internet did not cooperate in some of them so I'll be calling my service provider yet again. At least, I have some knowledge of what the issue is to help those that are not trained enough to help fix the problem. 

Speaking of which, I learned a very valuable lesson. I had to give a demo of something that I'm not that familiar with and I had practiced but I wasn't that confident in the subject. It showed and I goofed! Oh boy - it ...

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September 5, 2020
When you can't sleep....................... from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had the best day ever! Well, that seems to be a theme around my house most days! But I hosted a mini-sewing day. Yep - most of us are totally cooped up in our homes with tiny social bubbles, and we have a group that we went to retreat with. So Claudette and Lynn came over to sew. Yes, Zoom keeps me sane and in touch with everyone, but it was so exciting to see and chat with actual people.

So you're not all panicking, here are my thoughts on this pandemic. We will ALL get COVID at some ...

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August 8, 2020
Farmer Fancy and Vintage Christmas from Log Cabin Quilter

 Two new projects to share with you.  I finished a new quilt top that was inspired by a piece of fabric from the "Farmer Fancy" line.  The line of fabric is not a current one.  I wish I had more of the fabric I used in the center.  I could only make the quilt top the size of the piece I had available.  I also found some smaller pieces from the line and used two of them for a horse and  one of those in making the cornerstones.

I searched through my quilt books for a horse pattern and none ...

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August 3, 2020
Let's go to a quilt show from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Yikes - it would appear that I may need to change those running (walking) shoes more often than I am. Thanks to Barbara for this link.

Hmmm - replacing anywhere from 150 miles (I think that's a bit too soon) to 1,000 miles. OH - I walked over 1,500 miles in mine. I hadn't experienced any problem other than the heels were breaking down. Anyway - I've moved onto the new pair, but it sounds like I should buy those extra pairs and rotate them. But if they are the same shoe - how will I know which is which ...

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July 6, 2020
It's a good day!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I just don't do well with lack of sleep. I had TWO naps yesterday. The first was in the gazebo and lasted a couple of hours. At about 4 PM, the gazebo gets sun, and at about that same time, the lounger on the deck is now in the shade, so my second nap was there. I had a great sleep last night, and I'm ME today! Not Miss Grumpy Pants!

Since I was in the gazebo a bit earlier than usual, I had to turn my chair. It's so protected by trees - it really is a ...

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June 22, 2020
Vintage Christmas Quilt Along – Mug and Stocking from From My Carolina Home

Before we get started, I want to let you know about special sale.  Impression Obsession has fabulous stamps for cardmaking and scrapbooking and they are having a flash sale until tomorrow!!  Get 25% off with promo code FLASH, just click on my affiliate link.

Moving on to sewing today, the final two blocks in our Vintage Christmas Quilt Along are the Mug and Stocking.  After doing ten other blocks, these went pretty fast.  By now we are all familiar with how these instructions are written and where to look for extra information on the illustrations.

Vintage Christmas Quilt Along at

Once again, I chain pieced ...

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June 20, 2020
Everywhere a sign from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

A day for piddly little things, but it was a good day.

I still had to make the label for the mini-quilt that I made for my swap partner. I knew she wasn't completed my mini quilt, so I wasn't in a rush. Then I saw a note from her asking for my address - she was ready to send. Yikes - so I dashed off a label and sewed it to the back of the quilt. I had the mini-quilt for my Mom and a couple of other things to mail, so I was off to the post office ...

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May 25, 2020
Vintage Christmas QA – Skate and Candy Canes from From My Carolina Home

I hope you are having a nice holiday weekend.  Before we get started with today’s quilt along, I need to let you know two things.  First, the Jolly Bar Quilt Along has been postponed to June 29, as there have been some delays in shipping due to reduced staff at the FQS warehouse.  They are working hard to get all the orders fulfilled, and the delay will allow everyone to be able to begin together.  Second, see the announcement regarding Bluprint at the bottom of this post.  Today is the fourth Monday, so we’ll get a little farther ...

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May 23, 2020
A well oiled machine from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

l, I did it - almost. 

I have two classes this morning via Zoom. The invitations have been sent, and the presentations are done! OK - so I'm missing a picture for one slide. I still need to sew what I'm putting on that slide, but I have ONE free hour before the presentation, so that shouldn't be a problem. And I got 7 of 9 blocks sewn, but that's OK since there are three sets of identical blocks in different sizes. One of each at least got put together.

I'm in good shape, and so far ...

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May 18, 2020
Bee Patriotic Sew Along from Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber


Get ready for red, white and blue sew along. We’re excited to share with you this sew along with Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet. Join us as we re-visit Lori Holt’s Vintage Christmas Book with an all-new quilt that’s worthy of a 5-star salute. Step into Lori’s scrappy happy vintage world this summer, starting June 1, 2020.


This quilt is so pretty in a red, blue and aqua color palette!

There are two quilt sizes you can choose from by sewing up either 6″ blocks or 12″ blocks. The small quilt measures 35.5 ...

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May 9, 2020
Learning to drive from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had TWO appointments yesterday. One was to drop some stuff off and pick up another quilt for Quilts of Valour. The other was a porch drop off.

The lady doing the porch drop off was also looking for some solid red fabrics. I dug out what I had. She brought swatches for matching, but it's darn hard. I offered her to take the four different reds home to see which one would work best in her quilt. You got to love it - we're all in this together and we're all here to help each other.

But ...

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April 27, 2020
Vintage Christmas Quilt Along from From My Carolina Home

How are you coming with the Vintage Christmas Quilt Along?  Time for the next two blocks, something to keep us going and entertained while we camp out in our sewing rooms.  If you haven’t started yet, just click on the button on the sidebar to see all the posts.  Dig out your scraps, and let’s have some fun.

If you do not already have the book, click on Lori Holt’s Vintage Christmas Book, available at Fat Quarter Shop.  It is also available on Amazon – Vintage Christmas Book at Amazon.  All the patterns will come from the book ...

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April 11, 2020
A lazy day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Are you watching the free BluPrint videos? I got hooked. I went through the list of quilting ones and there are loads that I'd like to watch. I may just have to get a subscription for a year and then watch them all. I have a quilt on the long arm that I wanted to custom quilt. It's my own and it's small. I've been meaning to get it quilted for years. I've not been inspired or perhaps afraid to do anything with it.

I did some stitch in the ditch the other day and ...

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March 28, 2020
So much fabric and nothing works! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Hmm - I'm listening to and reading news about the current situation. What will we call this period when it's over? This time? The current situation? We'll have to come up with a name because it's pretty serious and is something that'll be remembered and its effects will be felt for years to come.

I see the library sent out a note that if you're looking for recommendations that they have lists of recommendations. NO - I am NOT going to check that list. I don't need any more books to read at the moment ...

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March 3, 2020
Summer is coming from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Even though I have lists and I have plans and even though I know a deadline looms months in advance, there's nothing like that deadline in your face to get you motivated. I'll show you what I mean in a second.

As part of my tidying up in Studio B, it meant getting EVERYTHING out of the way. As Elle mentioned, once it's on those work tables, it's technically out of my sight, but still visible so I can see what needs to be done. I'm not tripping over anything, I'm not swooshing stuff ...

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March 2, 2020
Aviatrix Medallion from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What do you do when you can't sleep? Head to the gym of course. The darn thing opens at 4 AM and while I wasn't there at 4, I was there earlier than usual. I'm feeling great these days and my energy level seems to be way up there. Of course at the end of the day when I'm done - I'm done!

I don't have time today to show you what I did yesterday, but it was a pretty productive day as well. It's funny how our brains work. I remember years ago ...

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